Read along med Richelle mead The golden lily

The Golden Lily, Chapter 20

Ah, the calm before the storm. We have some nice Eddie moments in here. I like the small character detail that Sydney gives us about him, about how he's always near the phone in case someone needs him. If it wouldn't slow him down aerodynamically or something, he'd probably keep a bluetooth ear piece in at all times to be available to Jill. He also shifts into badass mode a little bit in this chapter when he tries to throw Trey around, and it causes a conflict in my heart. I like Trey, and I know he's in a bad place right now. At the same time, it's kind of thrilling when calm, collected Eddie kicks it up a notch. Warrior Eddie (aka mini-Dimitri) is fun.

And speaking of conflict...did you notice poor Adrian's struggle there near the end? Those of you who've read ahead know that here is where something gets planted on Sydney--theoretically for her and Sonya's protection--and Sydney's the only one of the gang here who doesn't know about it. Adrian knows, and it's killing him to withold it from her. Even Dimitri's on board with the secret, and although they've undoubtedly all explained to Adrian why it's best that Sydney's in ignorance, it just goes against Adrian's nature to keep her in the dark, especially when she already had her own plan going in. It's kind of a callback to what I said the other day, that the two of them have faith in each other and their abilities. Adrian's not convinced the others needed an alternate plan. Admittedly, we'll soon find out the backup plan actually does pay off, but that's not the point. The point is this testing of Adrian's loyalty to Sydney in the face of others' urging, and I'll give you a spoiler: this is the last time others will win out.

Four more chapters to go! Can you believe it? We'll have finished both Bloodlines and The Golden Lily and be read for The Indigo Spell on Tuesday! Super exciting. This times out well because all the big ending stuff for TGL will happen this weekend, and I'll do two chapters a day again. Those who know how the book ready for Sunday's discussion.
skrivet av Olivia


1 Lisa:


2 rebecca:


3 Älva:


4 Stefany:

Hoppas allting går braaaa! <3<3<3

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