Read along med Richelle mead The golden lily

The Golden Lily, Chapter 10

Oh, man. I totally forgot about what happens in this chapter until I sat down to look at it for this post. The assembly and the motivational rock group! This was a little inspired by personal events. We had a lot of motivational acts come through my high school. Usually they were just individual speakers, though we did occasionally have musical groups very similar to Koolin’ Around. And although we never had a student attack any of these performers, there was a notable time at my high school when a completely unrelated fight broke out between students just as a feel-good assembly was letting out. It was kind of a shock to those who stumbled into it and wasn’t nearly as hilarious as Angeline destroying sound equipment. Sydney’s “lawyering” in the wake of it is pretty awesome.

And aww...Dimitri and Rose are having a cute lovers phone call. Although things are turbulent in Moroi Court politics, rest easy that during the events of this series, Rose and Dimitri’s relationship is pretty happy and stable. So you know they’re totally having “I love you more” phone calls and sending “xoxoxo” texts.

Lia’s pretty over the top when she accosts Sydney, but she has a fair point about ready-to-wear Halloween costumes. Seriously, have you ever read the tags in those? They tell you not to wash them, iron them, keep near an open flame, etc.. I mean, admittedly, you shouldn’t put any clothing near an open flame, but I’ve had a few Halloween costumes that made me pretty nervous wearing them. Makes me wish I had an unstable designer to design me custom stuff.
The indigo spell, 14 dagar kvar!!! :O :D
skrivet av Olivia